Friday, August 3, 2007

The Croup

Well, Audrey has been sick lately. First she had some sort of flu, then a couple of weeks later she got the Croup and we had to go to the emergency room and everything! Poor little Audrey... it was heartbreaking to watch her all hooked up to machines and getting x-rays. She was so good though - she cried, but not a ton and once they did a breathing treatment to help her throat she felt much better and was even smiling. It has been a hard couple of weeks with her being sick and Rob's appendectomy. Fun times.

You can see a picture of her on the couch when she was sick, propped up with her puppets around to keep her company (she loves her puppets). I've also attached a picture of her sitting in the refrigerator - she loves to sit in there anytime I'm trying to get stuff out to make dinner or whatever. She's nearly 17 months old! Time really does fly....

Hope that everyone is doing well! We miss and love you all!

Audrey Feeding Herself