Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

For Easter we went to Aunt Lori's house for an Easter egg hunt and a big Easter dinner. It was Audrey's first Easter egg hunt and she loved it!

I've posted some pictures of her looking for eggs, and some pictures I took of her at Disney in her Easter dress.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!


p said...

happy birthday to audrey! what a cutie.

KateBabyJournal said...

Great Pictures! It looks like Aunt Lori has a really great yard for egg hunts!

Kristen said...

K, so my blog now keeps track of when everyone else's is updated, and yours says 4 months ago, and it's really even longer than that! This is just unacceptable. We need to see more pics of Max, for one thing, so get on it! : P Love ya!